It is the mission of Cedar Bluff Community Church to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ using the Holy Bible as a guide for our spiritual life. The Church is non-denominational, and believes in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We believe that salvation comes to all who believe in their heart that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that God raised him from the dead; accepting Christ as their savior, and asking him to come into their heart; and confess him with their mouth. We believe that if the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is lifted up, it will draw all men unto him. If Jesus Christ is preached, the Holy Spirit will teach the Church how to conduct itself in a Christ-like manner.
Our Church was organized in 1973 under the pastorship of Bill Shook, and has continued to grow in size, members and most assuredly, Spiritual service to the Lord.
Through the years, the Lord has blessed our Church to not only grow and expand in size, but also with dedicated servants. Some have went on to their reward. Many are still laboring for the Lord and some new one have been added.
Each one of you that are associated in any way Cedar Bluff Community Church are a very important part of this body of worshippers and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I love each one of you and that I truly appreciate the support you have shown me down through the years.
In 2005, Richard Smith took over the role as pastor. Richard share the same visions as Bill in the pastorship of the church, and continues to lead in Christ's love and service. Let us labor in love, that the Lord Jesus might be lifted up and many souls born into his kingdom.
We would like to invite you to worship with us and if you do not have a home church, we hope that you will join us as we worship and continue to grow in Christ.