Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight,
O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer --- Psalm 19:14

CBCC Ministries

CBCC actively supports and encourages the youth ministry through prayer, financial support, encouragement, and opportunities for teenagers to serve and live out their faith through the life and ministry of the church.

Our youth program is divided into two leagues

Designed for younger children, in grade school. Weekly meetings involve Bible study, interactive Bible lessons, songs, games, snacks, and other activities.

Designed for middle and high school students, with a focus on personal faith, Bible study, life lessons, praise and worship, games, and other activities.

Here are some of the activities our youth enjoys

  • Winter and Summer Retreats
  • Back to School Bash
  • 50's Fellowship Dinner
  • Nursing Home Visitation and Puppet Ministry
  • Stick dramas
  • Lock-Ins
  • Bowling
  • Movies and MORE!